Send Audios and Videos using Ozioma Extensible SMS : A Step by Step Guide

The way society listens to information has evolved. Despite how much technology has evolved to meet the times, audio remains a reliable way to reach a diverse audience. Interestingly enough, one of the fastest growing spaces for streaming audio and video, according to research is mobile devices.
Whether your marketing strategy has adopted video or audio content, you want to be sure to send your media using a channel that your customers will be receptive to. In other words, you should optimize your content for consumption where your customers want to be listening and watching.
As the number of smartphone users continues to rise well into the billions, mobile is certainly a hot space for audio and videos. So, to help increase your marketing reach, we want to share with you how you can use SMS to share audio and video contents about your business using Ozioma Extensible SMS.
SMS marketing has taken a whole new look, apart from sending more text content, you can now send a 1 minute audio recording (in MP3) and also a 1 minute Video (in MP4), telling your customers about your products and services at the same price. Sending audio SMS is very effective for target marketing as the audios can be sent in any language to your customers for easy understanding. Sending video SMS will make it easier for you to convince your customers about the authenticity of your business.
Steps to Create Extensible Audio and Video SMS
step 1 :
- log in to your Ozioma account at using your username and password.

step 2 :
- On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on Extensible SMS. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the Extensible SMS).

Step 3
- Click on Audios if you want to send audios or Videos if you want to send videos and then click on create now.

Step 4
- Type your heading and SMS contents if you want (which has a maximum of 2000 characters). You can use the Ribbon tabs to make your content more stylish.
- Click or drag or drop your 1minute audio (which should not be more than 10mb and it should be either in mp3 or mpeg format) or 1minute video (which should be in mp4 format and not more than 10mb)
- Click on Enable SMS Newsletter subscription if you want to choose the newsletter contact list you want to send it to. It means that people will have to subscribe to your newsletter list before they can view the content and those already on the list won’t need to subscribe to it again.
NOTE that you’re the one to pay for the OTPs that will be sent to subscribers to verify their phone numbers. Do make sure your Ozioma account is well funded to avoid denying your audience access to
- Next you click Enable Feedback if you want to receive feedback from your recipients but if you don’t then leave it.
- Next click on create. After it has been successfully created, click the back botton twice.

Step 5:
- Click on Audio or Video. Then click on the message you just created
- Once it opens, you’ll see a link that has been created for that SMS. Click on Copy to copy the link. You can post it on any or all of your social media platforms if you want.

Step 6:
- On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on compose SMS or message box. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the compose SMS or message box).
- Here you will choose the registered sender name you want, select newsletter (that is if you had already grouped your contacts) if not, then just type/ paste the phone numbers but separate each with commas or on a new line.
- Compose a short preview of the extensible SMS you just created and paste the link.
Note: Don’t use the following words in your bulk SMS
congrats, congrat, congratulations, akpabio, promo, promotion, yello, won, win, police, alert, pr0mo, w1n, prom0, pr0m0, wow, promotional, yellow, sex, sexy, samsung, porn, nude, bank, liyel, vote, election, google, facebook, microsoft and prize.
Messages with these words as part of its content are considered as spam or political message and do not get delivered by the network operators. To avoid loss of units do make sure your message does not contain any of the above words.

Step 7:
- Once all that has been done, make sure you cross check everything to make sure there are no errors.
Step 8:
- Click on send now to send your message