Steps to create recurring messages sent at random times from a particular SMS collection
With Oziomas’ SMS Collection, you can choose from an array of messages to send to people without the stress of composing a message yourself. This messages have already been grouped to give you a stress free messaging experience. so whether is a romantic message, congratulatory message, birthday message, anniversary message and so on, you have full access to it.
Continuation from Simple scheduling
- Schedule SMS that will deliver at different dates and times.
- Schedule SMS that will deliver in a recurring manner like every Monday or particular day of the month/year or first/last day of the month.
- Schedule SMS that will pick one message at a time from a particular SMS Collection (e.g Love, Well-being, Romance) and deliver at a future recurring days and random times.
Step 1
- Still continuing from step 6 above. Click on SMS collection and select the type you want. Here I chose Romance. If you want it to be delivered at a particular time and not randomly then make sure you turn off send at random time. After that click on complete schedule. But if you want it to be sent randomly then you will go to step 2.

Step 2
- Click on send at random time to turn it on, then choose the time range you want the message to be delivered. Here I chose 8:30am to 3:00pm. That means that the messages will be delivered randomly between 8:30am and 3:00pm from Monday to Friday.

Step 3
- Next is to select how you want your composed message to appear on the SMS collection when it’s delivered. Your composed message will appear either as a prefix (it will come before the SMS collection message) or as a suffix (it will come after the SMS collection message)

- Note: if you don’t want your SMS collection message to have a prefix or suffix in it, then that means you should not compose any message (just type the sender name and phone number(s) or select newsletter then click on schedule for later)

Step 4
- Once that’s done, click on complete schedule to schedule your message.